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React Sigma is strongly inspired by react-leaflet, even the documentation.

It just provides some bindings (and helpers) between React and Sigma.

The main component, ie. SigmaContainer, creates a Sigma instance with the provided settings and graph.

If its properties settings or graph are updated, the instance is killed and re-created (but its camera state is restored).

I recommend you to NOT UPDATE those options to avoid performance issues, and to use a constant outside react component ( or use a useMemo). Sigma Sigma (and graphology) comes with methods that allow you to update graph but also settings. So you should treat it as an immutable component.

React context

React sigma uses react's context API to share the sigma instance with the SigmaContainer's children.

Each Sigma instance has its own context, so you can create multiple graph in a page.

In your components, you can use the hook useSigma() that gives you the sigma instance, and so the underlying graph with sigma.getGraph().


  1. The SigmaContainer renders a DOM structure that contains a <div className="sigma-container"> element.
  2. The SigmaContainer instantiates Sigma for the created <div> and create a React context where the instance is stored.
  3. The SigmaContainer renders its children components.
  4. Each child has access to the sigma instance via the shared context, so they can manipulate it (and its underlying graph)

IMPORTANT: If you change properties on the SigmaContainer, the component will be rendered again as well as all its children. So the sigma instance will be killed and recreated (but its camera state is restored).


React sigma is composed of multiple modules.

The core one (ie. @react-sigma/core), is the main that contains all the component to control the lifecycle between React & Sigma.

The other modules manage graph layouts, like @react-sigma/layout-forceatlas2.

With this architecture, you can control which graph layout you want to use without to increase the size of your bundle.