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Frequently Asked Questions

How I can correct the error Error: Sigma: container has no height. ?

This error comes from Sigma it self. To work, Sigma requires that its div container has a height. Per default in the CSS of this project, SigmaContainer is configured to take 100% (height & width) of its parent.

To resolve this issue, the easiest way is to add an height on the SigmaContainer like that :

<SigmaContainer style={{ height: "500px", width: "500px" }}>...</SigmaContainer>

How I can correct the error Graph.addEdge: an edge linking "X" to "Y" already exists. If you really want to add multiple edges linking those nodes, you should create a multi graph by using the 'multi' option.

This error comes from graphology and says to you that you are trying to create a multi-edges (ie parallel edges) graph, on a graph instance that doesn't support it.

Per default react-sigma create a graph that doesn't allow multi-edges, but you can specify on the SigmaContainer the graphology constructor your need.

Example :

import { FC } from "react";
import { MultiDirectedGraph } from "graphology";
import { SigmaContainer } from "@react-sigma/core";

export const MultiDirectedGraphView: FC = () => {
return (
<SigmaContainer graph={MultiDirectedGraph}>
<MyGraph />

Note that Sigma.js in its version 2, doesn't support curved edges.

How I can create a graph with parallel edges ?

See the question above.

Is it possible to use this project with Next.js ?

This project can be used with Next.js, but only for client rendering, not for server side.

If you encounter the error ReferenceError: window is not defined, it's because you try to use react-sigma for server and client side and obviously window is not define on service side.

To fix it, you have to check that you are on client side, and then do a dynamic import :

const isBrowser = () => typeof window !== "undefined";
if (isBrowser) {
const SigmaContainer = dynamic(
import("@react-sigma/core").then((mod) => mod.SigmaContainer),
{ ssr: false },
const MyGraph = dynamic(
import("../components/graph").then((mod) => mod.NetworkGraph),
{ ssr: false },
return (
<MyGraph />
} else return <p>NOT AVAILABLE</p>;