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Project structure

React Sigma is composed of one core module, and several others for managing graph layouts.


The core is the main one with components and hooks that help you to display a graph with react.

npm install @react-sigma/core

Layout modules

There is one module per graphology layout, plus one for the genericity (layout-core).

In graphology, there are two types of layout :

  • None iterative layouts that just need to be call to compute once for all the spatialisation (ex: random, circle).
  • Iterative layouts, that need to spawn a web worker to continuously run the algo (ex: forceatlas2)

None iterative layouts


For those layouts, in the corresponding module we export a hook that you can call to :

  • compute the new nodes position (the positions function)
  • compute the new nodes position and assign it to the sigma graph (the assign function)

How to use it

  1. Install the module
npm install @react-sigma/layout-circular graphology-layout
  1. Initialize the hook in your component (that must be a child of SigmaContainer)
const {positions, assign} = useLayoutCircular(...);
  1. Use the positions function
import { animateNodes } from "sigma/utils/animate";
useEffect(() => {
animateNodes(sigma.getGraph(), positions(), { duration: 1000 });
}, [positions, sigma]);
  1. Or use the assign function
useEffect(() => {
}, [assign, sigma]);

Available layouts

Iterative layouts


For those layouts, in the corresponding module we export :

  • the same hook than for none iterative layouts (it run a fix number of iteration of the algo that can be configured in the hook: useLayoutForceAtlas2({ iterations: 100 })
  • A hook to manage the worker layout : const {stop, start, kill, isRunning} = useWorkerLayoutForceAtlas2(...)
  • A control component that use the above hook, to display a stop/start button on the graph

How to use it

  1. Install the module
npm install @react-sigma/layout-forceatlas2 graphology-layout-forceatlas2
  1. Inside the SigmaContainer just add the component :
import { LayoutForceAtlas2Control } from "@react-sigma/layout-forceatlas2";
<MyGraph />
<ControlsContainer position={"bottom-right"}>
<LayoutForceAtlas2Control />

Available layouts